Organic ingredients: Psyllium husk, Bentonite clay, Activated charcoal, Diatomaceous Earth, Slippery Elm.
This Mixture bulks and binds to sweep the intestines! One of our best selling products!
The Royal Flush is an easy, safe and very effective method of cleaning years of the accumulated waste from the entire digestive tract and colon.
According to experts in the field of natural health, many of our chronic health problems have their origin in faulty absorption of food and incomplete elimination of food waste.
As the British Medical Association has stated, "Death begins in the colon."
Many methods of colon cleansing are available today. Some of these methods may include suppositories, pills, capsules, powders, chewing gums, candies, drinks, high & low enemas, colonics, and surgical procedures.
We believe the Royal Flush is superior.
In many cases the intestines may be caked with residue accumulated through the years by faulty elimination and / or poor dietary habits.
This residue material can become as hard as glass or plastic, creating a "pipe" along the lining of the colon walls and causing poor absorption and addimilation of nutrients needed for optimum health.
Venus And recht, who wrote, The Herb Lady's Notebook, states that she has known nurses in attendance during colon surgeries who have seen colons that had to be sawed with a hacksaw!
X-rays show that many people may also have malformed colons with kinks, bulges, balloons, and collapsed areas. Some may also have restrictions in the colon due to accidents or surgery. Obstructions can also occur in the small intestines.
All of these areas are potential problems since waste accumulation allows toxins to be continually and readily released into the blood stream, thereafter being recycled through the entire body 60 times per day.
To begin, be certain your bowels are moving at least once a day for a week prior to beginning the Royal Flush. Use a herbal product such as Cascara Sagrada that has a specific action which supports the peristaltic or wave-like action of the colon.
Cascara Sagrada is a natural laxative which tones the digestive system and are non-habit forming. It takes approximately 9 to 12 months to reestablish proper peristaltic action on a constipated colon.
If Cascara Sagrada is used, remember that the amount needed will vary from individual to individual. Dosage should be increased by 1 capsule every 24 hours until desired results are achieved.
This CANNOT be overemphasized Some who have not taken this precaution and started the Royal Flush with an excessively clogged colon have experienced bloating, cramping, and gas.
Although these symptoms, to a lesser degree may be considered normal for the first few days, they will be reduced if these preliminary guidelines are followed.
Psyllium can cause mild constipation or bloating in some individuals, so the use of Cascara Sagrada is highly recommended. The effective dosage of the Cascara Sagrada may have to be adjusted once you actually begin the Royal Flush.
Psyllium mixed with purified water or juice works as a broom to clean and nourish the colon.
An already clogged colon requires an extra push of the broom, so Cascara Sagrada will be needed to maintain adequate elimination. This may even vary each day due to change in diet, stress factors, and liquid intake.
The psyllium is mixed with distilled or reverse osmosis water to avoid inorganic toxins found in tap, spring, or mineral water. Apple juice can be replaced by an equal amount of aloe vera juice if allergies, sugar problems, or yeast problems prohibit its use.
Use as a meal on a totally empty stomach. Skipping dinner at night and taking the flush instead is a popular practice, while some people find it easier to use the flush at breakfast time. Using the flush in the morning or evening is an individual choice.
Some people may be tempted to "cheat" and only drink one batch of flush, but this will not work as the sheer volume is one of the secrets to this cleanse.
Remember, the "Broom" (psyllium) needs volume to make it effective.
As mentioned before, some people have experienced varying degrees of bloating and distention. Headaches or slight flu-like symptoms could occur, but the intensity of these symptoms will be in direct proportion to the degree of toxicity in your body.
To eliminate these types of symptoms, most individuals start with one batch for two or three days and then increase to the original recipe of two batches. While the toxic material is being loosened from the colon and intestinal walls, some of these toxins will be released into the blood stream before being eliminated.
The binders mixed in are beneficial in helping the body to handle these toxins and keep unpleasant symptoms to a minimum.